
Northshore Harbormasters Association





  • The name of this organization shall be the Massachusetts Harbormasters Association North Shore.


  • The object of this organization shall be to aid and promote the general welfare of the boating public, try to better administration to the harbors of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, to assist in the adoption of any new legislative programs which the association feels would be beneficial to the boating public, and to aid and inform the Harbormasters of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.


  • SECTION 1. - The policies of this association shall be in harmony with the policies of all departments of the Commonwealth working for the betterment of safety and boating, and the development of our many harbors.

  • SECTION 2. - The association shall be noncommercial, nonpartisan, and nonsectarian. The names of the association, or its officers in their official capacities shall not be used in connection with any commercial concern, or with any partisan interest, or for anything other than the regular work of the association. No commercial enterprise, or any political candidate shall be endorsed by the association.


  • SECTION 1.  -All Harbormasters, Assistant Harbormasters, and past Harbormasters of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts who are interested in the objects for which the association is organized may become active members upon payment of dues as is provided in section 2 of this article.

  • SECTION 2. - The annual dues for all members shall be $30.00 per year. Dues should be paid prior to the annual meeting. All Harbormasters and their assistants are eligible for membership upon payment of their dues. Each member shall have one vote.

  • SECTION 3. - Any member town in arrears at least six months must be notified in writing by the Secretary. Any member not reappointed as Harbormaster may retain his membership for a period of two years, after which time he may become an honorary member. Honorary members may be nominated from the floor and elected to honorary membership at the annual meeting only.


  • SECTION 1. - The officers of this association shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Officer. All officers shall serve for a period of one year. Secretary and Treasurer may be combined into one office by the majority vote of the members present at any regular meeting.

  • SECTION 2. - Nominations shall be made by a nominating committee appointed by the President of the Association, which shall be selected at the annual meeting. Following the report of the nominating committee nominations from the floor shall be accepted providing the consent of the nominee has been secured.

  • SECTION 3. - Elections shall be held at the close of the annual meeting, and the duties of the offices shall be assumed immediately.

  • SECTION 4. - Elections shall be made by ballot when there is more than one nominee for office.

  • SECTION 5. - Vacancies shall be filled by the Executive Committee.


  • SECTION 1. - The President shall preside at all meetings of the organization and of the Executive Committee. The President shall be a member of all committees (ex-office) except the nominating committee. He shall appoint all committees, of special nature, and perform all duties pertaining to the office of President.

  • SECTION 2. - The Vice President shall act as an aide to the President and perform the duties of President in his absence.

  • SECTION 3. - The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of all meetings of the Association and of the Executive Committee, and shall perform other duties assigned to him.

  • SECTION 4. - The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the Association and shall keep an accurate record of all receipts and expenditures. He shall pay funds only at the authorization of the Association. He shall present a statement of account at each meeting and at other times as requested by the Executive Committee. Bills up to ($100.00) one hundred dollars may be paid with the permission of the President and the Secretary. Bills in excess of $100.00 must be approved by the majority of the membership present at any regular meeting.

  • SECTION 5. - The Communications Officer shall, perform all required radio communications between the member departments. Assist and coordinate any communications between the Coast Guard and all departments, announce any information over the air when necessary. Coordinate any communications between the Association and the North East Surf Patrol.


  • SECTION 1. - The meetings of this organization shall be held each month year round, unless otherwise decided by the Executive Committee. The January meeting shall be designated the annual meeting.

  • SECTION 2. - The privileges of voting, debating, and making motions shall be limited to the members of the Association whose dues are not in arrears more than six months.

  • SECTION 3. - One third of the membership shall constitute a quorum, but not less than four at any time.


  • SECTION 1. - The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Communications Officer. This shall be the executive authority of the association. Each officer shall have one (1) vote. In addition any chairman of any active committee may attend but will not have a vote.

  • SECTION 2. - The duties of this committee is to transact necessary business between meetings of the association and other such business referred to it by the association, and to approve the plans of work of any standing committee, and to report to the meetings of the association.

  • SECTION 3. - Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be held at least once per month or a meeting may be called anytime by the President or a majority of the Executive Committee.


  • SECTION 1. - Committees may be created by the President as may be required to promote the objects and interest's of the association.


  • SECTION 1. - These laws may be amended at any meeting by a two thirds vote of the total members present.

  • SECTION 2. - Any change in the bylaws. All members shall be notified in writing by mail at least one week prior to the meeting.

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