

Northshore Harbormasters Association News


TRUCK.jpgSALEM A 22-year-old Bev­erly man was killed yesterday when his pickup truck careened over a Jersey barrier at a sharp turn on the Beverly-­Salem Bridge, dropping 30 feet into the water below. Police believe up to nine hours passed between the time the crash occurred and when Bryan Brouillett’s body was found An Ames Street resident called police just after 7 a.m. yesterday after looking out the window and spotting a red-and ­white Ford F -350 pickup on its wheels, jammed in low-tide mud underneath the bridge. Brouilleti was found inside the truck with his seat belt fastened, police said. Police believe Brouillett, of 113 Colon St, drowned after his truck went over the Jersey barrier on the Salem side of the bridge. He was heading toward Salem and failed to make the sharp, left­ hand turn onto Bridge Street at the bottom of the bridge. The truck, which had a high suspen­sion system and measured 7 feet tall, went over the bridge and then submerged in the darkness of high-tide water below. "We think he just took it too fast and couldn’t negotiate that corner," said Salem Patrolman John Doyle, who is reconstruct­ing the accident. "It was a high truck, and when it hit that Jer­sey barrier, it was able to go right over."


Please see BRIDGE, Page AB

Posted on March 14th, 2005 by Administrator in North Shore